G M Taylor Independent Funeral Directors
Local Independent Funeral Directors
Working for Local People
27 Ulster Avenue, Ipswich IP1 5JS
Telephone 01473 806131
51 Queensway, Ipswich IP3 9EX
Telephone 01473 517856
203 Cauldwell Hall Road, Ipswich IP4 5DB
Telephone 01473 325734
101 High Street, Hadleigh IP7 5EJ
Telephone 01473 823886
Alternative Transport
Traditionally a funeral cortege will include a black motor hearse and we, of course, offer this service.
However, we are also pleased to offer you a selection of alternative hearse transport including the following.
- VW Camper hearse and matching limousine
- Land Rover hearse also with a matching limousine
- Rolls Royce hearse with matching limousine
- Motor Bike hearse
- Flatbed lorry
- Vintage fire engine
- “Only Fools and Horses” hearse