G M Taylor Independent Funeral Directors

Local Independent Funeral Directors
Working for Local People

27 Ulster Avenue, Ipswich IP1 5JS
Telephone 01473 806131

51 Queensway, Ipswich IP3 9EX
Telephone 01473 517856

203 Cauldwell Hall Road, Ipswich IP4 5DB
Telephone 01473 325734

101 High Street, Hadleigh IP7 5EJ
Telephone 01473 823886

Removal/Transfer  UK & EIRE

For all removals or transfers of the deceased, anywhere in the UK, please contact us for a free no obligation Estimate.

We transfer to London, Essex, Heathrow, Wales, Liverpool, Crewe, Manchester, Bath, & Norfolk on a regular basis and at very competitive rates.

Provision of funeral staff is also available including Funeral Conductor, Bearers, Arrangers and Removal Crew.